test pressings
Watch the new youTube videoBlog about the test pressings of the deluxe 2-LP vinyl edition of Black Tape For A Blue Girl's Remnants of a deeper purity album. You can pre-order your copy of the vinyl for $50. Limited edition of 300. Swirled 140 gram. Or download the remastered deluxe edition for $10 from our Bandcamp page.
Partners In Passion: A Guide to Great Sex, Emotional Intimacy and Long-term Love
I created the long-form ambient piece "The Passage" for the wonderful tantric meditation CD Ananda Nidra by Mark A Michaels & Patricia Johnson (2-CD on sale for $10 at the webstore.)
Mark & Patricia's new book Partners in Passion is out, and I have to say it is amazing. I'm on page 100, and I'm impressed with how much good advice they have packed into these pages. This is a book about communication, intimacy, keeping your relationships (and sex life) alive and full of excitement. I'm really loving this. And yes I will admit that I'm a bit of a communication freak! : )
Share the music with 10 friends.
I still love 10 Neurotics, the 2009 album from Black tape for a blue girl. I think it was a departure, and listening to it right now, I think it has amazing performances by Athan, Brian, Laurie, Nicki & myself. But, I think a lot of people missed it, or didn't get it, or both. Either because it came out during that death-of-cds-era, or they were put off by the naked girly and the themes of dramatic personal revelation. How about you give it another chance? I put it up for name-your-price at Bandcamp. If you toss in two or three bucks, that would be really sweet of you; but more than the money, what I would love for you to do is give the album a listen. If you like it, please share the Bandcamp link on your facebook page.
There is a lot to love here. "Inch Worm" is the stylistic follow-up to "Knock There Times." "Marmalade Cat" is a swirly, guitar-based ethereal song. "Curious yet Ashamed" is sort of Philip Glass meets cabaret, with wonderful guest vocals by Lucas Lanthier of The Deadfly Ensemble. "Tell Me You've Taken Another" is brilliant alt-pop, thank to Brian Viglione (of Dresden Dolls) playing most of the instruments, and helped me with the production. And personally, I think "Love of the Father" is one of the best songs I've written; Athan approaches it with a heart-breaking mix of strength and sensitivity. There's so much I like about 10 Neurotics. Plus two bonus tracks; new versions of "Halo Star" and "Memory, Uncaring Friend."
Download for Name-your-price at Bandcamp.
Go get it, and please be so kind as to share the link with 10 of your friends. It's kinda like my child who nobody wants to play with. And I keep saying he's a smart boy, and he's a good boy, just give him a chance and you'll see there's lots to love about him.
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