Friday, May 22, 2015

We did it! MONOLITH was a success!

A gigantic planetary-sized thank you for your support! I appreciate your pledges that made MONOLITH a success.

Well, that was fun! We reached 145% of the goal. As with each previous Kickstarter, I learned many new things about how to run a Kickstarter! It was fun, though I'm also glad it's done, so I can go back to my life of NOT promoting a Kickstarter! : )

I loved being able to give you the music (546 downloads at Bandcamp) at the same time as the CD funded. You might ask what's the difference between giving the music away on Bandcamp versus it streaming for almost-free on Spotify (or free at a torrent). The difference is that we make a connection via Bandcamp and Kickstarter; it's just a cold anonymous play on Spotify. I like the connection. Going all the way back to "we return" on the rope, it's always been about connection.

Now the next phase begins, getting the pieces into production. The scheduled ship date is July, but I do expect it will be done before then. All pieces will ship at the same time.

Thanks again,

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